Meet the Wonderful People and Pups of ZippyPaws
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Meet the Wonderful People and Pups of ZippyPaws

Twenty Questions with Jen Glaser

Patrick Mull |

Here at ZippyPaws, we don’t just love dogs – we think of them as family. On any given day at our Southern California headquarters, you will find our dogs sharing our workspaces with us. Having dogs around the office makes for a very happy work environment, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s hands-down the best perk of working at ZippyPaws. 

We’ve also had the pleasure of meeting many of you via social media and ZippyPaws events, and we can’t thank you enough for letting us be a part of your lives. With that in mind, we’ve decided to periodically introduce you to members of our team so you can learn a little bit about their four-legged family members as well.

Jen, Birdie and Kramer

Co-founder, VP, designer and host of Dog Mom Podcast®, Jen started ZippyPaws in 2011 after graduating from USC Business School. In addition to ruling over the ZippyPaws kingdom, Jen is also a proud parent to two wonderful dogs, Birdie and Kramer. But that’s not all – Jen recently became a loving mother to two adorable twin boys as well! Is there anything Jen can’t do?

Jen recently took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions about the pups in her life. So, without further delay, here’s twenty questions with ZippyPaws’ top Dog Mom, Jen Glaser!

You currently have two dogs. Can you tell us a little bit about them and how they came into your life?

Birdie is a 3-year-old golden retriever. I have had her since she was a pup. I got her from a local breeder I met when shooting a video for ZippyPaws. My husband and I knew we wanted a female and she seemed like a great fit for our family. Kramer is a 12-year-old goldendoodle. He’s been my step-dog for 5 years – he was a package deal with the husband! 

Birdie and Kramer are cute names. Any reason for choosing those names?

Just thought Birdie was a cute name and it fit her. Kramer, because he’s floofy like Kramer from Seinfeld.

Do they have many nicknames? What are they?

Birdie’s nicknames include Bird, Bird Turd, Birdadette, Beep Beep, Beepa Beepa, etc. Kramer’s nicknames include Bub, Bubby Bubopolis from the Acropolis, Bubby Bubola from Pensacola, and countless others.

How many ZippyPaws toys do they have? Which are their favorites?

They have too many to count! There are probably around 100 ZippyPaws toys presently in our house. For the moment, Birdie’s favorites are her ZippyBallz. And Kramer currently prefers his Hanukkah RopeTugz® Bear.

What are your favorite activities to do with Birdie and Kramer?

I like introducing them to new experiences like swimming, playing in the snow, etc.

Research shows that dogs like reggae and soft rock music – what type of music do Birdie and Kramer enjoy listening to?

They like EDM like their parents.

Do you ever sing to your dogs? Can you give us an example?

Yes, especially to Birdie since she enjoys it. She loves being sung the Happy Birthday song, so we do it to make her happy every now and then, even if it’s not her birthday. 

What’s something your dogs do that you wish they didn’t?

Birdie chomping my hand when I get home. Kramer trying to lick my ear every time I do yoga or exercise on the floor.

If you could swap roles with your dogs for a day, would you? What would you do?

Definitely! I would nap all day and demand attention when I’m not napping.

What have your dogs brought to your life? How have they improved it?

It’s hard to put into words but dogs make my life whole. I feel like my family is incomplete without dogs. 

What is the most important life lesson one can learn from dogs?

Showing loyalty to our loved ones.

If your dogs had careers, what would they be?

Birdie would be a personal assistant. Kramer would be a therapist.

Do Birdie and Kramer enjoy watching TV? What do they enjoy most?

Birdie enjoys watching nature shows, fail videos on YouTube, and 90 Day Fiancé. Kramer doesn’t watch TV.

What gets your dogs barking? 

Delivery people for sure. Birdie also will “moo” like a cow when she’s excited.

If your dogs had personal mottos, what might they be?

Birdie’s motto would be, “If it fits in my mouth, I’m gonna chomp it.” Kramer’s motto would probably be, “Can it wait until tomorrow? I’m having a good hair day.”

What are Birdie’s and Kramer’s favorite things to do?

Birdie likes chomping sticks and being the center of attention. Kramer enjoys taking naps and chasing squirrels.

What words best describes your dogs?

Birdie can be best described as “sweet.” Kramer is positively “floofy.”

What human food do they love the most?

Birdie likes chomping on watermelon. Kramer likes slurping up noodles. 

What’s the last thing your dogs did that made you laugh out loud?

They were wrestling and Birdie kept biting Kramer’s back feet. Kramer was dancing around to avoid being bit.

Okay, one last question. True or False? Cats rule, dogs drool.


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