Adorable Ways Your Dog Shows You They Love You
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Adorable Ways Your Dog Shows You They Love You

Patrick Mull |

Dogs love us unconditionally. It’s what they do. They may not be able to say “I love you,” but they know how to show it. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, let’s take a look at some of the adorable ways in which our canine companions express their affection toward us. The next time you see your dog doing one of these things, you’ll blush knowing that your furry friend has a crush on you.

And don’t forget to show your pup how much you love them too with a heartwarming gift from our Valentine’s collection.

Wagging and Wiggling

Shutterstock/Hugh Adams

Although dogs use their tails to communicate a wide range of emotions, a wagging tail is a pretty good indication that your dog is excited to see you. The faster the wagging, the more excited your dog is – and if your pup’s wag turns into a hip or full body wiggle (often accompanied by spinning in circles), you know it must be true love. 


Shutterstock/Christin Lola

While not the most desirable canine behavior, jumping is one of the most common and natural ways that dogs show affection. They are simply excited to see you and want to tell you face to face that you are loved. Others might find this behavior objectionable – so, you may want to work on that “off” command.


Shutterstock/Ana Fidalgo

A leaning dog is a loving dog. They do it because they want to be near you, and it is most certainly a sign that you are their main squeeze. Smaller dogs can always be picked up and held close, but for bigger dogs, leaning into you with all their weight is often their only option. Give them a lap or a leg and they’ll get their lean on.



When your pup brings you their favorite toy and wants to play, that’s love. Not only is it a sign of affection that they want to play with their favorite person, but it also shows that they think of you as their pack leader and are sharing with you their most prized possession. If that doesn’t melt your human heart, then nothing will.



Dogs will often lick the ones they love to show affection, get attention, or to say hello. It’s an instinctive behavior that stems from the comfort they felt as puppies when their mom licked them. Licking also plays an important role in bonding and causes the release of feel-good hormones that help make them feel calm, relaxed, and happy.


Shutterstock/Holly Michele

Just like humans, dogs will stare lovingly into the eyes of someone they adore. They are not being weird. They just love you. And it’s actually a great way to bond with your pup. Sharing a loving gaze with your pup can cause the release oxytocin in both of you. Sometimes referred to as the “love hormone,” oxytocin increases positive feelings while reducing stress and anxiety. 


Shutterstock/Elena Shvetsova

Webster’s dictionary defines the act of cuddling as holding something or someone close for warmth, comfort, or in affection. And that’s exactly what your dog is doing when they cuddle with you, and vice versa. An ideal way to spend Valentine’s Day, cuddling is also a great way to relax and destress, as it increases the oxytocin levels in both you and your dog. 

ZippyPaws Valentine Grams

To help you share the love this Valentine’s Day, our talented designers have created these adorable and punny Valentine Grams just for you! Right-click and save as to download each Valentine Gram for FREE!

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