How To Celebrate Earth Day With Your Dog
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How To Celebrate Earth Day With Your Dog

Patrick Mull |
Labrador retriever in grassy wheat field
Shutterstock/Fernando Cortes

Celebrated by more than a billion people annually, Earth Day is a global event that takes place on April 22 each year. It’s a day to honor Mother Earth by showing appreciation for our planet and reflecting on what it means to be environmentally conscious. Many people celebrate Earth Day by participating in local volunteer events, taking time to commune with nature, and contemplating ways to better protect the environment.

As responsible dog owners, it’s important for us to recognize that our pets also affect the environment and make efforts to lessen the impact they have on our planet. So, let’s take a look at some of the ways you and your dog can go greener on Earth Day and every day to follow. Mother Earth will thank you.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The best way to prevent sending waste to landfills is by adhering to the the 3 Rs of waste management – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reducing means creating less waste to be thrown out. Reusing means finding new ways to use things rather than tossing them out. Recycling means seperating materials like aluminum, cardboard, glass, paper, plastic from your trash and taken to a recycling facility so they can be transformed into new products.

Here are a few ways you and your dog can put the three Rs into practice:

  • Reduce the amount of waste you contribute to landfills by consuming less and buying products with less packaging or recyclable packaging. Buy items for your dog in bulk to cut down on packaging waste. You can even make your own dog food or buy only brands who are investing in sustainable farming methods, reducing packaging, and cutting down on production emissions.
  • Reuse or donate items to keep them out of landfills. Before you toss out that old garden hose, consider cutting it into 12″ strips to use for games of fetch. Don’t toss your dog’s gently used items either. Donate them to a local shelter or thrift store – and shop for used items for your dog whenever you can.
  • Recycle as many things as possible. Some common items that can be recycled are metal food cans, plastic water bottles, and cardboard packaging. Some dog food brands and pet stores even offer recycling programs to help you reduce your dog’s carbon paw print.

Use Green Cleaning Products

Traditional cleaning products often contain ingredients that can be harmful to the environment and to the health of you and your pets. You can help reduce exposure to icky chemicals by only purchasing cleaning products meeting third-party certification and bearing labels from entities like Green Seal, Safer Choice, UL ECOLOGO, and USDA Certified Biobased Product.

It is also important to purchase pet-safe and eco-friendly cleaning products and grooming supplies specifically made for use with pets. Our friends at Skout’s Honor offer plant-based products manufactured under the California Green Chemistry initiative. All Skout’s Honor products are plant-based, biodegradable, eco-friendly and safe to use around pets, the family and home.

Another way to go green with your cleaning is to swap out your traditional cleaning products for DIY alternatives. With ingredients you probably already have in your home (e.g., castile soap, baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, citrus) you can easily mix up some simple and effective eco-friendly cleaner options. Simply Google “DIY Green Cleaners” to find what formulations work best for your cleaning needs.

Go Natural with Eco-Friendly Toys

Purchasing eco-friendly dog toys can also help reduce your dog’s environmental impact while ensuring that they are not being exposed to anything harmful. ecoZippy toys from ZippyPaws are a great way to put an eco-friendly twist on your dog’s playtime. All ecoZippy toys are constructed using durable eco-friendly natural materials like cotton and jute, and feature eco-friendly EVA squeakers.

If your goal is to consume less this Earth Day, just head outside and let your dog forage for stick to carry around with them. Or maybe take a walk around your local park’s tennis courts and let your dog search for stray tennis balls. Just keep an eye on what they are getting into – you don’t want them to get a hold of anything they shouldn’t.

Green Up Your Living Space

Bringing plants into your home is a great way to green up your living space and create a healthier environment for both you and your dog. Houseplants provide a grounding and calming effect and work to purify the air in your home. Plants in your home can provide your dog with extra stimulation and enrichment, while reducing their stress and anxiety levels.

Houseplants can really liven up your living space, but not all plants are safe for our pets. Some plants are toxic and can make your pets seriously ill. It’s best to do your research before bringing plants into your home, but here is a list of some of the most common houseplants that are pet friendly:

  • African Violet
  • American Rubber Plant
  • Blue Echeveria
  • Boston Fern
  • Cast Iron Plant
  • Christmas Cactus
  • Donkey’s Tail
  • Gerbera Daisy
  • Parlor Palm
  • Spider Plant

Get Outside and Embrace Nature

The absolute best way to celebrate Earth Day with your dog is by getting outside and enjoying everything Mother Earth has to offer. Just get out there and feel the grass beneath your feet and breathe in some fresh air. Take it all in. The sights and sounds of nature will remind you why we celebrate our precious planet in the first place. 

There are plenty of outdoor activities you can do with your dog on Earth Day. You can keep it simple with an extended walk outside or playing a game of fetch. If you are looking to spend even more time outdoors with your furry friend, you can always go hiking or camping, or head to the beach or a dog park. Just get out there and commune with nature – the benefits of doing this are endless.

Happy Earth Day, y’all!

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